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  Atlas of Urine Sediments  

Atlas of Urine Sediments is a reference aid in the basal morphology of sediments in human urine and is ideal for the determination of urine sediments, discussion and education on medical laboratories and medical schools.


The atlas can be used by medical doctors, routine and research technicians, doctor's assistants, teachers and students. The menu-driven program proves to be extremely user friendly. Atlas of Urine Sediments provides instant knowledge in the observation of Urine smears. Determination. This option gives you the possibility to correctly name an unknown urine sediment on the basis of morphological characteristics according to any the following three methods:

  • Brightfield
  • Phase Contrast
  • Polarization
A click on the button View, will give you five related sediment examples. Each of these examples can be enlarged! There is also a description of the sediments. The button More information gives you reference values of sediment.
  • Overview. All images in the atlas are in alphabetical order. Double clicking the chosen item gives you either three or five related examples.
  • Index. This option gives you the possibility to read related text, e.g. sediment description, reference values and other information. Clicking on underlined terms provides an explanation of those terms. There is a search option available.
  • Manual. Although the program is easy to use by its intuitive navigation, there is also a concise electronic manual built into the program.
  • Test. This option gives you the possibility to test your knowledge on the different sediments.

Atlas of Urine Sediments is a 'must' reference for all routine laboratories.

For more information please contact  info@diffex.nl